On Tuesday 16th July 2013, Joyce retired from
Little Fishes. Joyce started the group
for parents, grandparents and carers with their babies and toddlers, from
scratch, 14 years ago. She has inspired
a loyal group of helpers, most of whom have been with her from the start. None of us is getting any younger and, as
anyone who has had anything to do with babies and young children will know, dealing
with them requires a great deal of energy.
So, sadly, contrary to appearances, Joyce feels that the time is now right
for her to move on from Little Fishes. I
am sure that many people will miss her and be sorry to see her go and, undoubtedly
she will miss all those Little Fishes.
She has
faithfully turned up week after week, with her team of helpers .....
..... setting out the
hall with bikes, prams, slides, climbing equipment, play doh, duplo, jigsaws –
indeed everything to keep children from birth to school age happily occupied.
Joyce has also got to know all the mums, dads, grand-parents and carers who turn
Indeed, during her fourteen years she has got to know many siblings.
marked Joyce's retirement from Little Fishes with a short service in church, led by Jeremy (and his friendly furry friend). Children who are starting school
in September each received a book to mark the occasion.
After singing some of our favourite songs .....
..... the children presented Joyce with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a token to mark our appreciation of her dedication to Little Fishes over the last fourteen years.
The morning concluded with a lovely teddy bears' picnic outside in the church grounds.
Thank you Joyce for all you have done to make Little Fishes such a happy toddler group.”
am sure that everybody at St. John’s and everyone, past and present, who has attended Little Fishes will join Jean in that “Thank You”.
I say "thank you" too, to Jean, for writing this for our blog and also for the
Please Note:Little Fishes will continue to happen in September, led by Cathy Leffler. The first session is on Tuesday 10th September, at the NEW TIME of 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. We look forward to seeing all continuing members, and some new ones, on that date.
Please Note:Little Fishes will continue to happen in September, led by Cathy Leffler. The first session is on Tuesday 10th September, at the NEW TIME of 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. We look forward to seeing all continuing members, and some new ones, on that date.