It had been billed as a "Coronation Fair" but in the event there was little to demonstrate why!
It was smaller and shorter (running from 10.00 a.m. until 1.00 p.m.) than previous fairs but nevertheless the people who came seemed to be enjoying themselves.
As always, the cake stall was very well patronised,
and the raffle was as popular as ever.
In addition there was a plant stall, a craft stall ...
... and an opportunity to "cover the crown with silver".
However, the main attraction was the Café, at which visitors could make new friends or catch up with old over a "cuppa" or even a delicious bacon roll! Mouthwatering scones - for the less calorie conscious with cream and jam - were also a great "hit"!
Well done and "Thank You" to Sylvia and all who set up and ran the fair which took a much needed £1,277.37 on the day which included all that silver that people had been collecting in little boxes since Easter.
Thank you too to everybody who supported the event.