A Ploughman's Supper was held on Friday
27th September to celebrate Harvest. The evening began with Jeremy saying Grace –
giving thanks for our food and harvests in general.
Christine had worked very hard to provide
a tasty meal of rolls, ham and a variety of cheese enhanced by crisps, salads,
sauces and, notably Maude’s delicious, home-grown tomatoes.
It was a pleasant evening made convivial
by a selection of easy listening music provided by Clive. [I’m not sure whether we should be worried by
the fact that at a certain point in the evening almost everybody present
suddenly pronounced that they wanted to be Bobby’s Girl!]
Geoffrey rounded off the evening with a “Food
Quiz” convincingly won by the gastronomic knowledge of the Baker/Leffler Team.
The evening ended in prayer led by Jeremy.
A big “Thank you” to Clive for the music (not
a cue for a song!), Geoffrey for the quiz, Hannah for washing up without being
asked and of course to Christine, for all her hard work.