Thank you, Ann!

On Sunday 24th November we said a big thank you to Ann Lewis who has served for 20 years at this church as verger (and 5 years before that at St Peter's, Birkdale). We were not saying goodbye, but Ann wants to care for various members of her family in different ways - from next week, when she won't have to spend all morning in church, her life will be that much easier. She will still be here on a Sunday morning, but will be among the congregation, rather than at the back.

Jeremy thanked her for her highly efficient, yet unobtrusive service. He paid tribute to the love and care with which she has served during his time here, and thanked her for her support in the many ways she has enabled Sunday services to run smoothly. She was so good at it that it is taking six people to replace her! (That is, a rota of 6 people will take on her responsibilities each Sunday).

Jeremy presented Ann with a card, some gift vouchers and some flowers and led a round of applause. 

Thank you, Ann, for all that you have done, and may your retirement from this service be a happy one.