Southport Scene in Flowers

On Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October 2009 the West Lancashire Flower Club hosted their Emerald Anniversary Flower Festival in St. John's Church, Birkdale. Entrance and raffle money from this event went to support The Alzheimer's Society. The magnificent displays were not only arranged to celebrate 55 years of the society but also to celebrate aspects of Southport. The spectacular arrangements featured the Southport Coat of Arms, Lord Street, Parks and Gardens, Our Famous Golf Courses, The Arts Centre and Gallery and many other facets of the Southport Scene from the Beach, via the spectacular Millenium Bridge to the Firework Championship, Clown Convention, and Food and Drink Festival.

Visitors were also able to enjoy good, home made refreshment and St. John's hospitality at the cafe in the hall.

It was an excellent few days.