WOW Family Service (08/08/2010)

On Sunday 8th August we held a special family service at St. John's to mark the end of the holiday club. Half The children brought family to the service and Christine used the service to explain what we had been doing during the week through the story of Noah. (Many more children would have been there had it not been for holidays that they were embarking on.)

We were all encouraged to say sorry for our selfishness, greed, wastefulness and exploitation of resources that is spoiling God's World of Wonders. We asked for God's forgiveness and that he will help us to live our lives in a way that is more thankful and considerate of His wonderful world.

Part way through the service the children had a chance to sing and play (on their shakers) the song that they had been learning at the club.

In addition, during the service the children, with the aid of Shaun and Chris, gradually built a picture of Noah's Ark, for Christine, using the various elements that they had made from recycled materials throughout the week - The Ark itself on Day 1 (Rubbish day!); the animals, Noah and his wife on Day 4 (Living Things day!); the sea and sky on Day 2 (Water Day) and finally the sun followed by the rainbow that they'd made on Day 3 (Energy day).

After the service the completed picture was hung in church for everyone to enjoy over the next few weeks! Look out for it next time you are there and think of WOW and God's "World of Wonders"!