The Opening of our Charity Christmas Tree Festival, 2011

This year the festival was opened by the headteacher, Adrian Antell, and children from Farnborough Road Junior School.The children sang a mixture of traditional and more modern songs which put everyone in a Christmassy mood and set the tone for the festival brilliantly. They began with a lovely rendition of Once In Royal David’s City with the opening solo sung movingly by Harry.

Part way through the performance some children gave a seasonal recitation to enable the singers to rest their voices.

Tim opened proceedings by welcoming everybody, making the necessary safety announcements and introducing the staff and children in his own inimitable way!
When they had finished Tim thanked the children and their musical directors Sue Barton and Mandy Harrington before introducing the Rev. Peter Todd.

Peter expressed his view that the festival was very much in the spirit of Christmas before leading us in praying for everyone present and the supporters and beneficiaries of all the charities represented by the beautifully decorated trees.

Peter then introduced Mr. Antell, who thanked his staff and the children for all their hard work and time. He also thanked St. John’s for enabling his school to be involved in this community event! He professed that he had not known that he was to open the festival until just over a week earlier but, nevertheless, declared himself delighted so to do! Finally, he led the count down to the Grand Switch On, which proclaimed the festival begun and the accompanying Christmas Market and CafĂ© open. 

[A big thank you to everyone who attended the festival and participated in any way!]