26th June 2010 - St John's 120th anniversary celebrations

We were blessed with ideal weather for the St. John's 120th anniversary celebrations on Saturday. Throughout the afternoon friends of all ages visited the stalls, played games and enjoyed tea and a chat.

Inspite of his very best endeavours Tim conceded even more goals in his 90 minutes than The England team did the following day! However, it has to be said that, like England, he did face young, talented opposition.

Catching ducks by hand probably was easier than using a net. The water was lovely and cool too which was an added bonus!

Whilst many had their face or arm painted ladies very much enjoyed relaxing in the shade and having their nails "done".

When they got too hot in the sunshine (I never thought I'd be saying that!) people could go inside for tea and select delicious home made cakes to take home for later.

For a small donationt they could also sample the celebration cake!

People also enjoyed the challenge of the "church trail". Many expressed surprise at how much they discovered about the Church that they had been visiting week in and week out for years!

Throughout the day visitors were encouraged to buy a metre of ribbon which was wrapped around the church. this not only raised funds but added a colourful back drop to the proceedings - and look how far they got!

Altogether it was a lovely relaxed afternoon. In addition well over £900 was raised for the church.

Well done and "thank you" to all

who took part or contributed

in any way!