Joseph at Friday GAP

Since returning to Friday GAP after the summer holidays, the children have been learning all about Joseph.  (That's Joseph the dreamer, not the Joseph we read about in the Christmas story!)  Over four Friday sessions the children watched the DVD ‘Joseph King of Dreams’ and learnt how Joseph was a ‘miracle’ baby who developed into a special young man with the power to interpret dreams. However this made him unpopular with his brothers who sold him into slavery. The children learnt how after spending time in prison Joseph was summoned before Pharaoh to interpret his dreams, and this led to Joseph being placed in charge of all Egypt.

Eventually his brothers had to come to Egypt to buy grain because of the famine and in the end this led to Joseph revealing to them who he was. Eventually all of Joseph’s family came to live in Egypt (which is how the Israelites came to be there at the time of Moses…. But that’s another story.)

The children painted pictures of different scenes from Joseph’s life and made a life-size painting of Joseph in his special coat. Why not call in to the church and see their handiwork for yourself?

(Thank you for this, Christine!)