Mothering Sunday 2012

It was wonderful to see St. John's  so full for our Mothering Sunday service and to be able to welcome The Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, and their families.

During the service we were encouraged to be thankful to God for his love and care as well as to all the many people -family, friends or even strangers - as well as mothers - who have shown love, compassion and support to us over the years.  In fact, guided by the story of Moses in the Bulrushes (Exodus 2 v 1-10), we were encouraged not only to give thanks but also, in our turn, to show love and compassion for those around us.

Later in the service members of the Mothers' Union distributed daffodils to anyone, young and not so young, to give to their mothers.  Finally daffodils were given to all women in the congregation.

The glorious sunshine and the lively music combined with the daffodils and prayers to make the service an encouraging and uplifting occasion.