WOW2 – Day 1 – Beautiful!

Monday 1st August saw the opening of WOW2, the St. John's holiday club for primary aged children.
This year the theme of the club was how we perceive God’s World Of Wonders.
It was gratifying to be reunited with friends from last year as well as to welcome new children.
On day 1 of the club we focused on our sense of sight – it was a beautiful day!
We discussed some of the most wonderfully beautiful aspects of God’s world and how, sadly, people like us make it ugly by generating, either directly or indirectly, litter and pollution of various kinds.
We also talked about how blessed we are to be able to see and how much more difficult life can be for people who are blind.
During the course of the day we looked at reflections and tried to write our names so that we could read them in the mirror!
We made colour spinners and watched as colours merged and patterns changed. However, some of us did struggle to make the spinners work!

Everyone made a musical instrument – with a view to making it look beautiful tomorrow – as, of course, we couldn’t decorate them before we’d made them!

Having done that they went on to begin learning our special song for the week!

As well as exploring some optical illusions, some of us played a number of games, such as Kim’s game, and snap, which would have been impossible to play had we been unable to see!

We also tried to experience what it was like to move around when you are unable to see or, indeed, how difficult it is to guide a blind person!

The most popular activity of the morning was spinning a picture which produced some amazing results.

We ended the morning with WOW prayers (contributed by the children) and the story of Blind Bartimaeus which can be found in the Bible – Mark chapter 10.