WOW2 Special Service – Sunday 7th August 2011

It was good to be supported by so many parishioners who helped to welcome ten WOW2 members and their families to the 10.30 a.m. service.
Christine led the informal service – welcoming our visitors and explaining to the entire congregation what had been happening during the week.
Becky read the story of “The Good Samaritan” to us from the Bible [Luke Chapter 10 verses 30 – 37].
In discussing this reading Christine used the giant eye, ear, nose and mouth, as well as the hand montage, which had been made at the club, to help illustrate the points she wished to make. She concluded by stressing the words of Jesus that we should “go and do the same” as the Good Samaritan had, and show mercy and compassion to those around us who are in difficulties.

Following the talk the children sang the 5 senses song that they had been learning all week. During the chorus they accompanied themselves on the instruments that they had made!

Following their rendition the congregation were invited to sing along with them – only to discover that it wasn’t as easy to sing as it looked!
Geoffrey led our prayers before the final rousing hymn “O Jesus, I have promised”.
As Christine had explained many of the children had been unable to attend the service as they had departed on their holidays. We wish them and those who came to the service a very happy and safe holiday.